Monday April 15, 2024 Newsletter letter
Sunday, April 14, 2024

Monday April 15, 2024
Dear Friends,
Being home, being back in Britain, always fills my time. Whether that is sitting talking with my mum, catching up with friends (on the phone and in person), or going for walks. Routine is not so present in my life and I find that with that my writing diminishes. I want to write, but find myself either too tired to concentrate or in need to wind down from the last social activity.
I know that there are subjects that I would like to write, or finish writing about, but they stay there nagging me in my head and have not made it onto paper, or my computer, yet. (Hey, I have just caught myself, I am writing this now. It is first thing in the morning, so perhaps that can be a time?)
Anyway, the upshot of this reason or excuse is that this week my posts are mostly photographs. Specifically photographs from the April Photoblogging Challenge. A couple of the prompts have been a challenge to find photos for, but it is also a joy as I look back through past photographs for one that fits the prompt, or to go looking for subject matter to take a photo of.
I hope that you enjoy my attempts at the Challenge.