Wednesday, February 12, 2025 →
24 Hours of a Storm Passing Through
Friday, January 31, 2025
Well last night was quite the storm. This storm was passing through the Hawaii Island chain. It had already battered Ni’ihau, Kauai and Oahu and was now approaching the county of Maui made up of the islands of Maui, Lana’i, Moloka’i and Kahao’olawe. Being a Kona storm, it came in from the south. Living on the north shore of Maui, the bulk of Haleakala protected us through the day - the winds were slight and the rain was non-existent.
⛵ I have not seen rain like this here for a long time. I find it fascinating and scary at the same time. I hope that everyone is safe out there. The grading of the land appears to be redirecting the water around our house with small rivers appearing. If not, I think that we might sail away.
⛈️ Well the winter storm that was heading for Hawaii has finally landed on Maui, and we are getting a drenching right now. The power went out here for a couple hours today. Fingers crossed it stays with us over night. Upcountry Maui has not been so lucky - trees down and power outages since early this morning.
The Bunker: Wednesday 22nd, January 2025
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
On Wednesday of last week there was a new mural on the side of the bunker.
Finished reading: Catnip & Brimstone by Jessica Nickelsen 📚
This morning the skies are still grey. The land is starting to dry out after taking a real drenching last night. The cool air along with the dampness in it produced a few wispy clouds of mist in the valley this morning. It looked quite beautiful.
First I watched the skies darken over the ocean. Then the hazy sign of rain out at sea, the water changing a dark grey in reflection of what was happening above.
As the rain got closer to land, the boundary between cloud, rain and ocean diminished until it completely disappeared into a grey wall. By then the encroachment onto land had started.
And now it is pouring with rain, above us, around us. We needed it, and the pressure in the air feels as though it has lessened as well.
Yesterday I just watched the world go by. It was an interesting day.
Some Short Thoughts On Writing
Saturday, January 18, 2025
I love writing. It is my therapy, my confidante, my playground of creativity, my place of exploration. It is a quiet place where I can go and get lost, forget the passage of time and come out refreshed.
The Bunker Friday 17th January, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
Sorry no new murals on the Bunker today, but I thought to share a couple of other perspectives as to where the Bunker sits on the cliffs.
🐳 I went out for a walk at the cliffs again this lunchtime, checked on The new murals..., but the whales were jumping. I saw three water spouts, and then a big splash as one breached. This was followed by a fluke slapping in the water. Elsewhere I caught sight of a couple more breaches. This is all a long ways out, but clearly visible at the same time.
The Story Behind the Photograph: Lovina Beach, Bali
Thursday, January 16, 2025
In August 1988 I was nearing the end of what would be a 17 month journey. At this point I had spent a couple of weeks in the United States en route to New Zealand. In New Zealand a two week stay morphed into three months. From New Zealand I traveled to Australia where I spent a year. Now I was on the home straight back to England.
As the saying goes, I do believe that at times,
A change is as good as a rest.
Around lunchtime today I felt that I needed to clear my head, take a short break. So instead of laying down or just sitting quietly, I took a drive to the cliffs for a walk, and to look out at and take in the ocean - in short to let nature in, in order to shake the cobwebs out of me. While I was there, I also took the opportunity to see if any changes had been made to the Bunker…that was actually another reason why I headed over there.
I’m pleased that I decided to do that. I wasn’t out for long, but I returned feeling refreshed and jumped straight back into things.
The Bunker: Wednesday 15th January, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
I stopped by the Bunker at lunchtime to see if there were any changes. This time just a small update to one of the side panels.
🤔 I feel as though I have missed a day somewhere. I could have sworn that today was Tuesday, but Wednesday it is. I guess that the week is moving faster than I thought?!
Sitting in silence as the world wakes up. I wish that I could stay here.
After spending the morning running through websites trying to understand and make sure that I was clear about a legal process, I was very grateful to stumble across someone who has been down the road that I was attempting to figure out, and had laid it all out step by step. Thank you to him. 🙏🏻
I’m catching up with some images from the weekend. Sunday was a good day for rainbows. Here are a few 🌈
The Bunker: Saturday 11th January, 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
Some artists, or an artist was busy last night. This new mural was on the Bunker as I drove by today. I’ve included a few photographs to show what was created.