The glow today is not from exercise, though I guess that it might as well be. The sun has been unrelenting today - the forecast said tops of 80ºF, though I would say it felt much hotter - and there were no Trade winds to take the edge off. Blue sky, little cloud.
I wanted to finish trimming a part of the hedge. Completing that would also see the majority of the whole hedge project completed (though still leaving a foreboding section to be tackled). I was busy all morning and didn’t start on the hedge until lunchtime. By late afternoon I had finished the task that I set myself. I headed indoors, hot and wet with sweat. To keep the sun off me I had made sure that I covered up.
So yes there is a glow - a glow of tiredness from exerting myself in this heat, and a glow from completing that section of hedge. I keep looking at it to admire the straight edge to the top.
But this is nothing. A house is being built at the end of the road. It has just gone six in the evening. The small crew working down there, only a couple of them, have been at it since eight this morning.